Yarmouth is joining neighboring communities and the State to set goals, take strategic action, and track progress on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In 2022, the Town Council set bold goals for reducing emissions 80% by 2030 and reach to net zero by 2050. In March of 2024, the Yarmouth Town Council unanimously adopted the Town's Climate Action Plan - which lays out the first steps towards reaching these targets.
5 Focus Areas
This Plan is organized into five focus areas that address our biggest opportunities for reducing emissions, storing carbon, and supporting adaptation to climate impacts. Click on the tiles to learn more.
Yarmouth’s infrastructure and land use patterns prioritize natural and social connections, facilitate biking and walking, and make it easy for people to use public transportation and electric vehicles.
Yarmouth ensures a resilient future by protecting and stewarding our valuable lands and waters to preserve essential ecosystems and absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Yarmouth’s buildings are efficient, preserved, healthy, and powered by renewable energy. We maximize the use of local renewable energy while investing in—and advocating for— a renewable energy grid that is resilient and affordable for all.
Yarmouth residents and businesses are empowered by understanding health and safety risks from climate change, and the Town is proactively planning to minimize hazards from climate-exacerbated disasters.
Yarmouth manages resources sustainably through an efficient circular economy that reduces waste by maximizing the lifecycle of material goods, reducing consumption, and driving local innovation.
This Plan can be...
Town leadership can use this plan as a guide when making decisions about policy, investment, and projects. The Plan is intended to be flexible and will need to be revised at regular intervals in response to public input, new technology, lessons learned, and best practices based on ongoing research
This Plan is a clear roadmap that will guide Yarmouth towards reaching our emission reduction targets and prepare our community for the intensifying impacts of a changing climate.
The climate crisis requires bold and urgent action across our whole community. As the Town implements the Plan, there is an opportunity to bring in more voices, support residents and businesses to take action, and continue to foster a culture of collaboration and inclusivity in town.
Explore the data
There are two technical reports that shaped the planning effort: the Vulnerability Assessment and the Greenhouse Gas Inventory.
Community driven planning
Residents, businesses, community organizations, and town committees and staff all had important roles in developing this plan. Through workshops, surveys, and conversations, our community shared their priorities and ideas to help refine the actions recommended in this plan and shape our efforts to address climate change as a town.
Thank you to the hardworking volunteers of the Yarmouth Climate Action Task Force that led the process - and to all the community members who participated!
What does this plan mean for you?
Certain actions in this plan necessitate that Yarmouth community members adopt new behaviors and adjust to new policies, which will impact their daily lives. The Town recognizes the challenges (and opportunities) that these transitions may present and is dedicated to empowering our community with education and resources where possible to make this process smoother. The actions within this Plan identify a few areas where the Town can provide information, connection to external resources, or, in some cases, financial incentives, to support the transition.
Meeting our goals will take everyone playing their part. Start by exploring some of the actions you can take that can save your household money, keep our environment clean, and shrink your carbon footprint. You can also make a big difference by engaging with Town policy making to share your voice and advocate for what is important to you.
Local governments have a role to play in a resilient climate future, but we can't do it without your help.

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You can also send us your questions, comments, and ideas by emailing yarmouthclimateaction@gmail.com.