Our Progress
As the Town implements the Climate Action Plan, we will update this page to show our progress.
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Goal 1: Reduce emissions from transportation.
Strategy 1.1: Expand infrastructure for accessible and safe walking, biking, and other active transportation.
1.1.1: Complete a comprehensive, town-wide transportation planning process, resulting in an adopted implementation plan that includes non-motorized trail expansion, increased bike/walk infrastructure, and changes in parking requirements that incentivize active transportation.
1.1.2: Facilitate the completion of the Beth Condon Memorial Pathway from Cumberland to Freeport and the Casco Bay Trail.
Strategy 1.2: Increase public transit use.
1.2.1: Expand public transportation infrastructure, integrated with bike and pedestrian routes, to increase frequency, accessibility, desirability, and connectivity of public transport options.
1.2.2: Provide information for residents to reduce miles traveled for work and recreation.
Strategy 1.3: Accelerate electric vehicle adoption.
1.3.1: Establish a comprehensive EV outreach and education campaign for residents and local businesses. 1.3.2: Establish a municipal electrical vehicle procurement plan that phases out purchases of fossil-fuel based vehicles by 2030, starting with passenger vehicles and moving to medium- and heavy-duty vehicles as feasible across departments.
1.3.3: Partner with the School Department to transition school bus fleet to all electric.
1.3.4: Continue building out EV charging infrastructure on town and school properties to ensure EV charging capacity for an entirely electric fleet.
Strategy 1.4: Expand public EV charging network.
1.4.1: Expand EV charger requirement for parking lots and new site proposals to all zones in town.
1.4.2: Facilitate and support the expansion of regional EV charging network with businesses.
Goal 2: Plan for future land use that reduces emissions and is resilient to climate impacts.
Strategy 2.1: Strengthen policies and enforcement to promote sustainable, resilient, and accessible land in coordination with Comprehensive Plan implementation.
2.1.1: Amend zoning ordinances to reduce emissions by allowing for more dense, mixed-use areas close to transit and economic centers, and prioritizing adaptive reuse of existing buildings.
2.1.2: Establish criteria in subdivision, site plan, and Character-based Development Code to incorporate current climate data and manage adherence to land protection and stewardship goals.
Strategy 2.2: Increase tree canopy.
2.2.1: Assess current tree canopy cover and ensure resources for increasing cover by planting and maintaining climate-resilient species.
2.2.2: Establish zoning ordinance and/or incentives that serve to protect mature trees and reduce lot clearing.
Strategy 2.3: Support restoration of riverine and coastal ecosystems.
2.3.1: Restore the ecological function of the Royal River by removing all barriers, taking into consideration the river restoration feasibility study by the Army Corps of Engineers.
2.3.2: Review the Royal River Corridor Plan (2009) and expand and update the Plan with a focus on climate resilience.
2.3.3: Promote guidance for protection/restoration of erodable bluffs, steep slopes, and shorelines using nature-based-solutions (regrading, tree-planting, retreat) for both private and town-owned lands.
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Goal 3: Reduce emissions from buildings while making homes and businesses resilient to climate change.
Strategy 3.1: Actively promote weatherization, efficiency, electrification, and other emission-reducing upgrades in existing buildings
3.1.1: Adopt a Commercial PACE ordinance and develop materials to support use of residential and commercial programs.
3.1.2: Phase in an Energy Benchmarking Ordinance for large commercial, residential, and municipal and school facilities that begins with a pilot benchmarking program with businesses.
3.1.3: Review and update the Yarmouth Historic Preservation Advisory Ordinance to include tools, policies, and incentives that retain embodied carbon and increase energy efficiency in historic building rehabilitations.
3.1.4: Continue and expand Efficiency Yarmouth as a resource for residents.
Strategy 3.2: Require new construction and major renovations to meet the highest standards for efficiency, carbon neutrality, and climate resilience by 2030.
3.2.1: Require and support new development and major renovations (including municipal and school) to be powered by renewable energy and climate resilient from 2030 on.
3.2.2: Adopt the optional Maine Energy Stretch code IECC 2021 and advocate with the State for advancing energy codes in the future.
3.2.3: Integrate renewable energy and efficiency in affordable housing developments, with a focus on reducing housing costs for tenants.
Strategy 3.3: Adapt municipal and school buildings to climate resilient, zero emission facilities.
3.3.1: Develop and fund a plan for all school and municipal facilities to maximize energy efficiency and be powered by renewable energy by 2030.
3.3.2: Explore adopting a Carbon Shadow Price for addressing emissions produced through municipal capital investments.
Goal 4: Meet 100% of electricity needs with renewable energy.
Strategy 4.1: Foster development of reliable local renewable energy systems.
4.1.1: Require all new large developments (commercial, residential, or municipal) to evaluate feasibility of district energy or microgrids powered by renewable energy.
4.1.2: Develop and implement a Resilient Power Plan to ensure critical facilities in town have renewable backup power.
Strategy 4.2: Reduce barriers to implementing renewable energy.
4.2.1: Remove barriers in zoning/permitting of renewable energy generation and storage systems, such as implementing policies and practices necessary to achieve SolSmart Gold level certification (or equivalent). 4.2.2: Develop, incentivize and celebrate local renewable energy generation and storage.
4.2.3: Provide and maintain publicly available resources for residents to facilitate renewable energy adoption. 4.2.4: Develop requirements and design guidance for on-site renewable energy generation and electrification in new construction and major renovations.
4.2.5: Advocate to position the Wyman station facility to support the town's climate action goals.
Strategy 4.3: Pursue 100% renewable energy reliance for government operations.
4.3.1: Build upon current Municipal and School Power Purchase Agreement to meet 100% of current and forecasted electricity needs with renewable energy
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Goal 5: Reduce community waste.
Strategy 5.1: Minimize waste and prioritize sustainable consumption.
5.1.1: Phase out single use materials in commercial spaces by adopting single use item bans and promoting reuse systems.
5.1.2: Launch a business recognition and outreach program to provide resources for businesses to reduce waste.
5.1.3: Adopt a Municipal Sustainable Purchasing Policy.
5.1.4: Assess opportunities to reduce waste from town operations and facilities by tracking waste and developing a zero waste plan.
Strategy 5.2: Promote a circular resource sharing economy.
5.2.1: Develop a library of things that serves as a space to foster opportunities for residents to reuse, repair, and create items and materials.
Strategy 5.3: Expand reuse, recycling and composting infrastructure, services, and education.
5.3.1: Phase in requirements for composting at businesses and apartment buildings that promotes reuse solutions over single use bioplastics.
5.3.2: Require recycling in commercial and multifamily residential buildings by 2026.
5.3.3: Explore construction and demolition waste ordinances.
5.3.4: Enact strategies to minimize waste at Clam Festival and strive to reach zero waste event standards by 2030.
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Goal 6: Permanently conserve 30% of Yarmouth land by 2050.
Strategy 6.1: Identify resources and build a clear process for local land conservation.
6.1.1: Assess and prioritize new conservation opportunities, using the Yarmouth Open Space Plan (2019) as a prioritization guide, with a focus on connectivity, carbon storage, habitat, and public access.
6.1.2: Increase the town’s Land Acquisition Fund to a minimum of $1 million, funded through a Land Bond, grants, and/or annual town budget allocations.
6.1.3: Assess town-owned lands for permanent protection.
Strategy 6.2: Protect properties through purchase or easement with willing landowners, or through partnerships.
6.2.1: Utilize funds to permanently protect prioritized Town-owned lands.
6.2.2: Partner with willing landowners to permanently conserve land that sustains or enhances carbon sequestration and improves climate resiliency.
Goal 7: Adopt stewardship practices that increase carbon storage and enhance the ecosystem’s resilience to climate change.
Strategy 7.1: Manage all town-owned Open Space for climate resilience and to maximize carbon sequestration.
7.1.1: Add sections on climate resilience and carbon storage to existing management plans for all town-owned Open Space and include these sections in plan updates moving forward.
7.1.2: Develop a dedicated Stewardship Fund for Town-owned open spaces, to be funded through private and public contributions.
Strategy 7.2: Manage invasive plant species.
7.2.1: Implement and update the Three-year Invasive Vegetation Management Plan to include all town and school vegetation management practices.
7.2.2: Develop subdivision ordinance requirements for invasive species management plans.
7.2.3: Incentivize invasive species management by private landowners and HOAs through education and outreach.
Strategy 7.3: Support sustainable landscaping by private landowners.
7.3.1: Promote resources for individual residents and business owners to engage in sustainable landscaping to absorb stormwater, protect wetlands and local ecology.
7.3.2: Develop protective rules and incentives to reduce or eliminate ecosystem damaging fertilizer, pesticides, and toxic contaminants reaching our lands and waters.
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Goal 8: Protect public safety by integrating climate projections into emergency preparedness protocols.
Strategy 8.1: Enhance the community’s preparedness for heat waves and intensifying storms.
8.1.1: Develop a local Hazard Mitigation and Heat Wave Management Plan and implement protocols that address disasters such as intense storms, heat waves, and extended power outages.
8.1.2: Enhance early warning systems and community evacuation plans.
8.1.3: Map town services to identify potential gaps in access for all, especially underrepresented populations. R 8.1.4: Assess town-owned open spaces and waterways for capacity for increased use during more high heat days, and plan for safe and equitable access.
Strategy 8.2: Plan for the impact of sea level rise and flooding.
8.2.1: Complete the Maine Flood Resilience Checklist and develop an implementation plan to reduce impacts from sea level rise, riverine flooding, and runoff from impervious surfaces.
8.2.2: Revise the floodplain management ordinance to incorporate the anticipated FEMA maps and ensure additional adjustments account for climate change.
8.2.3: Develop a Working Waterfront Strategic Plan to assess needs for supporting coastal commercial establishments in town, including practices that address climate change mitigation or adaptation.
8.2.4: Inform residents and businesses of the potential damage from floods and sea level rise.
Strategy 8.3: Prepare for long-term viability of town drinking water supply.
8.3.1: Collaborate with Yarmouth Water District to assess resilience of town water supply quality and quantity based on climate modeling.
Goal 9: Enhance public health to improve community resilience to climate change.
Strategy 9.1: Pursue equitable access to resources on climate-related health risks.
9.1.1: Cultivate neighborhood hubs to share climate, energy, and resilience resources, utilizing a similar neighborhood model that was in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
9.1.2: Develop a community atlas for town organizations and resources, including resilience resources, adaptation tools, and public health and safety information.
9.1.3: Launch a campaign to educate residents on impacts of climate change to mental and physical health.
9.1.4: Partner with local health and wellness service providers, including educators, to promote access to resources that address chronic stressors, including mental health services.
Strategy 9.2: Promote local food production and consumption.
9.2.1: Adopt policies that help preserve existing agriculture operations, facilitate new food production, and support local food distribution systems.
Strategy 9.3: Improve access for Yarmouth residents to open space.
9.3.1: Complete mapping analysis to identify residents further than a ten-minute walk from green space (public lands, conserved areas, parks, etc.) and integrate into land use planning.
Goal 10: Protect critical infrastructure.
Strategy 10.1 Evaluate and improve at-risk public infrastructure.
10.1.1: Conduct a vulnerability impact assessment incorporating projected climate impacts for at-risk public works infrastructure (e.g. water, sewer, culverts, roads, bridges) then develop priorities for investment.
10.1.2: Follow the CoastWise manual guidelines for evaluating, designing and replacing climate-resilient tidal crossings.
10.1.3: Assess public waterfront infrastructure and town-owned shorelines for vulnerability to sea level rise projections and incorporate appropriate upgrades into capital strategies.