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Our Progress

As the Town implements the Climate Action Plan, we will update this page to show our progress. 


X in progress

X not started

X completed


Goal 1: Reduce emissions from transportation.



Strategy 1.1: Expand infrastructure for accessible and safe walking, biking, and other active transportation.

1.1.1: Complete a comprehensive, town-wide transportation planning process, resulting in an adopted implementation plan that includes non-motorized trail expansion, increased bike/walk infrastructure, and changes in parking requirements that incentivize active transportation.

1.1.2: Facilitate the completion of the Beth Condon Memorial Pathway from Cumberland to Freeport and the Casco Bay Trail.


Strategy 1.2: Increase public transit use.

1.2.1: Expand public transportation infrastructure, integrated with bike and pedestrian routes, to increase frequency, accessibility, desirability, and connectivity of public transport options.

1.2.2: Provide information for residents to reduce miles traveled for work and recreation.


Strategy 1.3: Accelerate electric vehicle adoption.

1.3.1: Establish a comprehensive EV outreach and education campaign for residents and local businesses. 1.3.2: Establish a municipal electrical vehicle procurement plan that phases out purchases of fossil-fuel based vehicles by 2030, starting with passenger vehicles and moving to medium- and heavy-duty vehicles as feasible across departments.

1.3.3: Partner with the School Department to transition school bus fleet to all electric.

1.3.4: Continue building out EV charging infrastructure on town and school properties to ensure EV charging capacity for an entirely electric fleet.


Strategy 1.4: Expand public EV charging network.

1.4.1: Expand EV charger requirement for parking lots and new site proposals to all zones in town.

1.4.2: Facilitate and support the expansion of regional EV charging network with businesses.

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